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Welcome to Preah Sihanouk Province MPSEZ Master Plan
The development and transformation of Preah Sihanouk Province into a multi-purpose SEZ is one of the national development strategies to achieve “New Transformation” and “High Income”. The highest guiding national development strategies, the Rectangular Strategy-Phase IV and the National Strategic Development Plan 2019-2023, prioritize growth, employment, equity, and efficiency.
As part of this effort, the search for new sources of growth is the first policy priority. The implementation of the Industrial Development Policy 2015-2025 through the transformation of Preah Sihanouk Province into a multi-purpose special economic zone is a crucial element in ensuring sustained economic growth and structural change by promoting new economic sectors and increasing added value.
This aligns with the larger vision for the modernization of Cambodia in all aspects, including:
• Maintaining a stable economic growth rate and reducing poverty
• Ensuring national stability and social order - Improving government administrative efficiency through reform
• Facilitating trade, integrating into the ASEAN market, and strengthening infrastructure development
• Diversifying agriculture and promoting rural development.
The establishment of a multi-purpose SEZ is a direct means of attracting investment, providing employment, and improving the income and quality of life for the Cambodian people, especially for the next generation. This, in turn, will foster stability and order in Cambodian society and improve public governance.
The implementation and operation of the multi-purpose SEZ institutions and administration will serve as a test case for decentralization and human resource mobilization in the government, through the implementation of special economic policies and the strengthening of infrastructure to promote regional trade. This will also benefit the agriculture sector through increased trade and processing of agro-products.